Sunday, May 17, 2009

as this second weeks end and i am just finishing up my chores, i thought id write a few notes here to give a sort of progress report. i am caught up if not ahead on my reading for classes. i really need to make sure i stay on top of that since it could quickly spiral out of control. i fond spending a few hours each night does the trick for me, but YMMV.

shopping continues to be a logistics nightmare. our trip scheduled for 2pm ended up starting at about 3. we didnt get home until well after 5. but i found a store i like now, it even carries my haircolor!

i helped do the semester breakdown, clean, and rebuild of the school aviary this morning. we have a flock of lovebirds, a flock of cockatiels, three budgies, and a pair of amazons. none of these birds are actually used as in class demonstrations (we use chickens for that). the aviary apparently started off as a pair of each type of birds and breeding took care of the rest. (the amazons get adopted pretty quickly, though all these birds are technically available for adoptions). it was a fun experience, though a bit different for me. i have never really owned a bird as a pet so avian medicine is an elusive creature to me.

the only thing i am having trouble with, lifestyle adjusting-wise, are the ants. these little bastards are everywhere! though they succumb quickly to spray, i would rather not have DEET all over everything i own. but , eh, it's not a huge issue. not compared to the 5 inch long centipedes that actually hunt you down! or the scorpions... neither of which i have seen in vivo. yeesh.

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